Foreclosed Property Registration

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In 2008, the Town of Cutler Bay adopted the Responsible Property Owner and Merchant Act (Chapter 26, Division 5 of the Town Code). Pursuant to this Act, any property, whether residential, non-residential, vacant, or occupied, that has been the subject to a notice of default or foreclosure action must be registered with the Town. This action is required because the Town has a vested interest in protecting the community against problems associated with vacant and abandoned properties and this registration program provides a proactive approach to knowing where such properties are located before problems arise.

The Town of Cutler Bay has retained the services of HERA Property Registry to facilitate the registration process on our behalf. To register a foreclosure property (or to file a citizen complaint regarding a property issue), please use the HERA Property Registration portal

Any questions with respect to registration requirements, registration status, etc. should be directed to