Town Clerk


The Town Clerk is a Charter Officer who is appointed by and reports directly to the Town Council.


The Town Clerk has a broad range of responsibilities as the manager of the Council's actions and business records.  The Town Clerk provides administrative, clerical and informational support services to the Town Council, Town Administration and the public.


  • Supervisor of Elections
  • Coordinates regular and special elections with Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections
  • Qualifies candidates for Town elections
  • Manages agenda processes with the members of the Town Council and the Town Manager
  • Prepares and distributes agendas and backup information to Town Council and public
  • Attends Council Meetings
  • Coordinates public notification requirements
  • Coordinates audio recordings and cameras during meetings
  • Keeps record of proceedings and manages follow-up duties
  • Manages records entered as evidence in quasi-judicial proceedings
  • Maintains ex-parte communications of Council members
  • Manages reporting documents as required by Town ordinance
  • Prepares the minutes of all Town Council meetings
  • Coordinates meetings and related notifications
  • Coordinates travel plans and expense reimbursements for the Town Council
  • Assists Committee Liaisons with the distribution of materials and recording of meetings
  • Posts Committee vacancies
  • Manages receipt of resumes for potential committee members
  • Archives minutes of committee meetings
  • Oversees town-wide records management program and provides public records as the Town's official Custodian of Records
  • Codifies ordinances and coordinates updates