5 Back to School Safety Tips

August 15, 2022

Miami-Dade County Public Schools are back in session on Wednesday, August 17, and although we'll have increased police presence around schools, we want to share with you 5 back-to-school safety points to help make it a smoother transition back for everyone:

  1. SLOW DOWN: Follow the school zone rules
  2. AVOID DISTRACTIONS: When you head out, make sure you put your phones down and be alert
  3. BE PATIENT: Many parents and students are figuring out their routes and routines on the first days back
  4. USE CROSSWALKS: Don't cross in the middle of the road, use crosswalks and always look both ways before crossing
  5. LEAVE EARLY: Many accidents happen when drivers are in a rush, so make plans to leave your home with extra time

Have a safe and successful return to school!